Saturday, 19 April 2014

Presidential elections in Szaloncicaország

The New Miau Times reports that Szaloncica has decided to celebrate the birthday of Tallinn and Repu, the youngest citizens of Szaloncicaország by calling elections this Saturday 19th of April. Repu and Tallinn are now one year old and the ruler of Szaloncicaország has wisely decided that it is time for them to be actively involved in the public life of the Ország. According to the reports, Tallinn has saluted the decision with a concise “meh!”, his usual expression, unless he demands to be let in the kitchen when his vocal abilities achieve their full potential through a vast array of different mourning miaus. Repu has received the decision while resting at the top of her comfortable shrine with an imperceptible nod that to those unfamiliar with the Princess Repu will appear as a nonchalant disregard for mundane things. But the inhabitants of Szaloncicaország know well that his attitude masks an intense interest in the well-being of the Ország, as her fierce defense of the territory against anyone who dares to peak through the windows proves.
The Sunday Miau offers this weekend a complete illustrated reportage on the first year of life of the cicák in Szaloncicaország. In an interview Tallinn details his favourite spots for pusztíting, how he escapes the ire of Cicabácsi when he discovers the missing parts of the carpet, his agricultural efforts when the time for harvest arrives, etc. Readers can appreciate the devotion of this young gazda for socks and other pieces of clothing that he brings down the torony for being presented to Cicabácsi. In another interview Princess Repu expresses her hopes that the expansion of the inhabitants of Szaloncicaország already known as the “circus” will continue, extending the aesthetic seal of the presence of the cicák in every corner of the Ország. For those unfamiliar with this term, the “circus” defines the series of objects brought by Cicabácsi and Cicanéni for the entertaining of the cicák. They include multiple plastic balls, seagull feathers tied to a plastic wand, a tall tree that the kicsik climb and use for sleeping, staring at the void with a pensive expression or just dominate with their discerning gaze the surroundings, etc. etc.
Returning now to the political events in Szaloncicaország the two parties that compete in the elections have just released their political manifestos. In his manifesto “For a better Szaloncicaország”, the leader of the Szaloncica Party, Szaloncica, guarantees the maintenance of his efforts for keeping the Ország free of kutya presence, as well as his intention to provide Princess Repu with suspenders for helping her maintain in shape her otherwise gyönyörũ has. Rumours have spread in the Ország about Cicanéni's opposition to the introduction and use of suspenders in Szaloncicaország. Polls indicate that the vote of Cicanéni will be for the Opposition Party. As mentioned before, the Opposition Party, led by Szaloncica, has also published his manifesto: “For a better Szaloncicaország, too”. The Opposition Party has showed his acute sense of modern politics and has immediately included in the political manifesto the banning of the use of suspenders in the entire Ország. Another political measure that has attracted the attention of the Ország has been the proposal of more spaces for free pusztíting. It is rumoured that this measure is devised for attracting the vote of Tallinn, but the most reputed political analysts, including Szaloncica, has acknowledged that this proposal may alienate the vote of Cicabácsi, always worried about discovering new marks in the carpets of the pusztíting activities of the young gazda.
At this point of the political campaign, that will conclude in a few hours, the political outcome of the elections is uncertain. The above mentioned political analyst, Szaloncica, has released his latest poll, predicting a tie, with the votes of Cicanéni and Tallin for the Opposition Party and the votes of Repu and Cicabácsi for Szaloncica, the current ruler of Szaloncicaország. As it is known, Szaloncica, the current ruler of Szaloncicaország, has made public his wish of remaining impartial and abstain from voting.
Given this confusing situation, according to the Constitution of Szaloncicaország, the Supreme Tribunal of Szaloncicaország, led by the Most Honorable Szaloncica, may decide with a quality vote the political future of the Ország.
The last hours of this intense political campaign are now about to finish. The undecided nature of this political situation has paralysed the nation that lives with anxiety this historical moment.

1 comment:

  1. Wandering Gata wishes a very happy birthday to Repu and Tallinn and wishes them long and happy lives in Szaloncicaország. She also hopes that pusztítás will not overwhelm the Torony.

    She also congratulates Szaloncica and wishes him happy ruling, but she also wonders what she was not able to vote absentee at these very important elections! She would appreciate if Szaloncica introduced some possibility to vote in mail, electronically or at any of the consulates of Szaloncicaország, wherever her wanderings might take her.
