Saturday, 19 October 2013

Repu and Tallinn: six month anniversary

The Kicsik have turned 6 months today. In recognition, they have been treated with a succulent portion of milk for cicák. Still young, a couple of teenagers, actually, Repu and Tallinn are full of energy and an inexhaustible capacity for all forms of mischief. In Szaloncicaország the education of its youngest citizens is taken very seriously. Both of them attend courses in Szaloncicaország Nemzeti Egyetem. Cicanéni teaches there Cica Consciousness and Házimacskaság Studies. In an exclusive interview for The New Miau Times Cicanéni celebrates the progress of both cica but also acknowledges the challenges that still lie ahead. For instance, Repu shows a slightly worrying tendency to meditate inside the sink, with the consequent risk of getting wet. Tallinn on his part, is incurring in the so called Ourobouros Syndrome. Cicanéni explains that Tallin's insistence on chasing his tale may be due to a lack of understanding about the philosophical and existential limits of cicaness. In other words, Tallinn does not know where a cica begins and where it ends. Their evolution though is in general, satisfactory and the inevitable outbreaks of mischief are treated with physical exercise. This therapy and form of cica physical training comprises the use of the blue thing (a scratching pole) and the green thing (green feathers attached to one of the ends of a long, tiny plastic pole). As anecdote, Cicanéni has documented the emergence of a vague religious conscience in the cicák. She has observed that as soon as Tallinn catches the green thing with his sharp teeth, he parades it, firmly held in his mouth, around the Ország. He is closely followed by Repu, who actually bites the opposite end of the pole, marching at the same pace than her brother, both firmly holding the green thing. In this guise, they resemble a funerary parade, honouring the death of green mythical birds, bravely chased by the cicák in their hunting fantasies. Cicanéni hopes to report soon about more significant signs of progress of this nagyon jó cicák. Until then, the entire Ország wishes them success in their studies and congratulates them in such an important day in their kicsi biographies.

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