Monday, 10 September 2012

Szaloncicaország international tour

Szaloncicaország has returned from its last international tour. The entire country, lead by Prime Minister Szaloncica, with the unvaluable help of Wandering Gatita, the most important ally of Szaloncicaország, has strenghtened political relations with szaloncicas and wandering cicas in Zagreb and Zadar, Croatia. Szaloncica from Szaloncicaország was greeted by Zagrebszaloncica, in Zagreb, and by various wandering cicas in Zadar. 


All political parties involved have agreed in spreading and developing Cica Consciousness among wandering cica colonies and szaloncicas in Croatia.

Szaloncica, Ministry of Foreign Affair of Szaloncicaország


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wandering Gata is delighted to convey the warm greetings of Kőszegszaloncica with whom she conversed this morning while Kőszegszaloncica sunbathed on the grass (photo available on request). As a result of the conversation Kőszegszaloncica, in possession of strong Cica Consciousness, expressed willingness to ország. Wandering gata also met a Kőszeg wandering cica, who however still needs to develop adequate Cica Consciousness
