Friday, 28 September 2012

Szaloncicaország's currency

 Szaloncicaország's currency is the Miau. Current rate exchange of the Miau is a million barks for a Miau. A bark is the dog's currency. Dogs don't have bank notes, a bark can be any piece of the strange, weird things dogs like to chew, bury or play with (rags, tree branches, filth in general). Szaloncicaország never exchanges miaus for barks. The exchange rate is symbolic and illustrative of dogs steem by Szaloncicaország. In times of political emergencies (i.e. when the entire country travels), the tension is reflected in a fall of the exchange rate of the Miau against the bark. Fortunately, the exchange rate tends to return to its natural level of a million barks once peace and cica consciousness is restablished.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Sport competitions in Szaloncicaország

The Olympic Committee of  Szaloncicaország  organises the Gatolympics. Szaloncica takes part in different competitions, whose characteristics are decided by the Olympic Committee, presided by Szaloncica. The competition are varied in nature, but all last for 3 seconds (except the Marathon that lasted for 6 seconds). Szaloncicaország is proud to say that all competitions have been brilliantly won by Szaloncica, including the demanding marathon around the Tower's Kitchen (Dundee, Scotland). The Szaloncicaország Olympic Committee congratulates Szaloncica. Szaloncicaország, though, remembers specially one of the most mesmerising Szaloncica's sport achievements in the Gatolympics: the Unknown Competition, that he won, at some point. Gatolympics have no established periodicity, the Committee decides when to open the games and when to close them. Sometimes the Committee organises wonderful opening ceremonies, followed by great closing ceremonies, with no sport competitions in between.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

The Favourite Dish of Szaloncicaország

After a profound anthropological research Wandering Gata has stablished that Szaloncicaország rich and varied gastronomy is in fact a series of variations of a fundamental recipe: "Lecsó". Szaloncica has just added a new variation: Lecsó with rice a la sherry. According to The Sunday Miau he is fact using "fino" a delicious Spanish type of sherry. The entire country celebrates this new addition to the rich grastronomy of Szaloncicaország.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Award for Wandering Gata

The New Miau Times has just revealed that Szaloncica has granted Wandering Gata, his most important ally and champion of Cica Consciousness, membership of the Order of Nagyon Jó Cica. The entire country rejoices at this recognition of Wandering Gata many contributions to the greatness of Szaloncicaország.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Szaloncicaország's National Anthem

Szaloncica sings Szaloncicaország's National Anthem everyday at exactly nine minutes past noon. The unforgatable lyrics of the anthem are: "miau, miau, miau!". The entire country joins Szaloncica in the singing of the anthem, broadcasted through Miau TV, YouMiau and RadioMiau.

The concepts of space and time in Szaloncicaország

Szaloncica does not travel. He serves Szaloncicaország as Prime Minister from his salon. It is the country that travels when Szaloncica travels. Szaloncica is Szaloncicaország.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Orszag activity in Hungary. Decisive intervention of Wandering Gata

Wandering Gata, loyal supporter of the Orszag campaign developed by Szaloncica, Minister of Foreing Affairs of Szaloncicaország, has successfully stablished new relations with cicas in Hungary. Wandering Gata reports positive contacts with Szombathelycica and Kőszegszaloncica.
The portrait shows Kőszegszaloncica deep in his intellectual activities. Reporters from The Daily Miau are striken with the similarity of this cica with the famous French writer Marcel Proust

At least they share they same hair style!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Szaloncicaország international tour

Szaloncicaország has returned from its last international tour. The entire country, lead by Prime Minister Szaloncica, with the unvaluable help of Wandering Gatita, the most important ally of Szaloncicaország, has strenghtened political relations with szaloncicas and wandering cicas in Zagreb and Zadar, Croatia. Szaloncica from Szaloncicaország was greeted by Zagrebszaloncica, in Zagreb, and by various wandering cicas in Zadar. 


All political parties involved have agreed in spreading and developing Cica Consciousness among wandering cica colonies and szaloncicas in Croatia.

Szaloncica, Ministry of Foreign Affair of Szaloncicaország